As a not-for-profit incorporated body, the VAGTC operates under a constitution and is committed to the following:
- To recognise and identify the existence and needs of the gifted potential of children and students in Victoria and enable their talent development
- To act as a professional association for educators and families interested in supporting and developing gifted potential in children and students
- To encourage and support professional learning for educators and families across Victoria through our DET-supported seminars and other training programs
- To raise the awareness in the educational community of the research evidence that underpins gifted education, creativity and talent development
- To develop educators’ knowledge and understanding of gifted children and students and best practices inside and outside the classroom
- To raise awareness and knowledge amongst educators and parents of the needs of gifted students diagnosed as twice exceptional (high potential and with learning challenges) including a strength based approach and appropriate teaching strategies for their talent development
- To develop and support educational programs for gifted students
- To promote collaboration between academics, educators, and psychological experts as well as government agencies to encourage awareness, acceptance, and support of the needs and potential of children and students in Victoria
- To collaborate with appropriate organizations and agencies to advise on educational policies for gifted children and students
- To lobby key stakeholders in Victoria including politicians, universities, schools
- To collaborate and facilitate research on the nature of giftedness, and share our practise to further develop the field of gifted education both in Australia and internationally
- To maintain contacts with similar organizations and associations within Australia, including acting as Victorian affiliate with the Australian Association for the Education of Gifted and Talented (AAEGT) and the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC)
- To do all other things which are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above purposes
Other Associations we work with Include: