Advocating for gifted learners as they explore and develop their talents

The Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children (VAGTC) is a parent and educator-led not-for-profit organisation acting in the state of Victoria. We are committed to advocating for the identification and appropriate support, education, and development of gifted potential in children. Our organisation aims to help students who are gifted and talented by building a community that understands their specific needs and supports them. We want to provide gifted students, their families and their teachers with the tools and resources needed to realise their full potential.

Our goal is to create a brighter future for gifted and talented learners by implementing programs and working on initiatives that will have a lasting impact.

 We believe that appropriate academic provision is a matter of justice for gifted students, and that society will benefit greatly from supporting them to reach their full potential. “High ability students are the next generation of leaders, problem solvers and innovators. Society as a whole will benefit from these students being given every opportunity to reach their full potential” — Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Gifted and Talented Education.

Seminars & Events

The VAGTC run seminars for parents, educators, and caregivers navigating the world of gifted and talented children. We know it’s a unique journey, filled with both wonders and challenges. That’s why we provide specially curated seminars, offering you knowledge, guidance, and insights on various topics related to gifted and talented children.

Our seminars cover a wide range of pertinent subjects, from understanding their unique social, emotional and educational needs of gifted children to devising strategies that stimulate their high-ability minds. Learn from experts, share experiences, and be part of a community that’s dedicated to nurturing gifted children.

Upcoming Seminars

July 23, 2024
16:00 -

Presented by Bernadette Sheedy

This session will explore the social emotional needs of gifted learners, including asynchronous development, perfectionism, imposter syndrome and twice exceptionality. We will also discuss the way teachers can support students to address these challenges.

$88 GST Inclusive (Non-Members)
$44 GST Inclusive (VAGTC Members)

Group Bookings of 3 only
$211.20 GST Inclusive (Non-Members)
$105.60 GST Inclusive (VAGTC Members)

Early Bird Prices 
Offer of prices below end on Tuesday 2/7/2024
$70.40  (Non-Members) 
$35.20  (VAGTC Members)

*Please note when registering for these seminars, TryBooking charges a .50c booking fee.


Free Parent Seminar

Funded by the Department of Education

July 23, 2024
19:30 -

It can be challenging navigating the complexities of making sure your gifted child has access to appropriate schooling and educational provisions. This seminar will give you practical suggestions and ideas for WHAT to advocate for (what types of provisions schools could and do make for gifted children, regardless of the sector of education your child’s school is in (government, independent, Catholic), from the classroom to external activities). It will also provide you with HOW to advocate (tips and advice for proactively building positive relationships with the staff at your child’s school, as well as effective communication strategies for handling difficult situations and documenting dialogue with the school). The workshop will be interactive, so please bring your questions!

Zoom Link will be sent a day or 2 prior to the seminar date.


Our Publications

VISION magazine, Australia’s unique biannual publication for families and educators of gifted children, combines expert insights and community contributions. It’s distributed to VAGTC members, educators, and education departments.

Additionally, the VAGTC Resource Book, updated biennially, provides a thoroughly researched compendium of resources for gifted education. Stay updated with your VAGTC membership to access these resources, or purchase individually via our online shop.

Resources & Support

Support For Parents

Discover if your child might be gifted and how to support their unique potential. Explore our comprehensive guide detailing early signs of giftedness, educational strategies, and expert advice. Unravel your questions with our dedicated FAQs and enrich your understanding of your child’s needs.

Support For Educators

Empower your teaching journey with our VAGTC 2016 Resource Book – a well-curated tool for educators dedicated to nurturing gifted and talented students. Dive into authenticated resources, attend our professional development seminars, and embrace a curriculum tailored to challenge these unique learners.

Support For Children

Explore a world tailored for gifted and talented children with VAGTC. From educational resources to competitions and community engagement, we’re here to help them reach their potential.

Organisations & Links

Discover a wealth of resources curated by VAGTC to aid the development of gifted students. From external links to our invaluable Resource Book, we’re committed to your success. Explore more and stay updated with our latest developments on our Resouces Page.

Become a VAGTC Member

Enjoy the following benefits when you join VAGTC:


The VAGTC supports the aspirations, achievements, and opportunities of Victorian students by supporting the professional development of early childhood professionals and teachers, and connecting parents with their children’s learning. Safe, supportive and inclusive schools celebrate and protect diversity and understanding of others, acknowledging the right of every child, no matter their background or ability, to achieve the best possible outcomes at school.

The VAGTC Regional Seminars provide participants with up-to-date research and best practices to identify underachievers, nurture talent potential and support social-emotional development both at home and in the classroom.

We work closely with the Department of Education, Victoria (DET), Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM) and Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) as well as experts in the field of gifted education to develop and deliver workshops and seminars across Victoria.

VAGTC works with schools to develop customised seminars and workshops to cater for their professional development requirements.

As part of the VAGTC Membership, You are eligible for Free Membership at the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT). To Receive this, you agree to pass on to them my email address, contact number, and postal address.