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Published biannually, Vision is created for educators and families to support the education of gifted and talented students and children.
The 2017, Vol 28 (No.2) issue is a 40-page volume that covers current issues in gifted education in Victoria and beyond, including contributions from Emily Spratt, Simon, Fiona & Sadie Mustoe, Dr Jennifer A. Ritchotte & Dr Amy K. Graefe, Dr Ben North, Kids Like Us, Dr Nathan Eva, Dr Denise Wood, Eve Strauss, Danielle Sherry, Caitlyn Lewis, Stephen Teasdale, Helen Dudeney, Jill Lawrence, Dyan Burgess and Sam Hill.
We thank all of our contributors for this excellent issue.
Student Showcase (work by Tasmanian up-and-coming talent, Emily Spratt)
Updates (Tournament of Minds, Rural Seminars and Gifted Awareness Week)
Perspectives (Reflections on Not-school: on Music, on Dropping Out, Careers, Community and College )
Resources (Equation development using thinking teams, In-school-out-of-school Programs, and Camps)
Calendar (Events, conferences, workshops)
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ABN 93 904 346 898
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