Educator Seminar

Identification beyond the data

March 12, 2024
16:30 -

Amy Horneman and Claire Reid
Cost: ($30 for non members / $10 for VAGTC members

As educators we feel obliged to justify extending the learning of students who seem very capable, and so we turn to quantitative data measures such as standardised testing (PAT, NAPLAN etc) or classroom assessment grades and scores. This session will provide you with practical ideas ways of identifying giftedness beyond numerical data. You will have the opportunity to workshop using observational and behavioural checklists, and triangulating alternative (and qualitative) data sources in order to better identify giftedness in the students within your classrooms. The workshop will be interactive, so please bring your questions!




Need Tailored Seminar or Mentoring?

You can book a presenter from VAGTC to come to you school (or online) to provide tailored seminars. These sessions are billed by the hour and quote for Individualised Professional Development.

Schools can also book time with a mentor for their high-ability leaders.

As part of the VAGTC Membership, You are eligible for Free Membership at the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT). To Receive this, you agree to pass on to them my email address, contact number, and postal address.