VISION Magazine - The Essential Read for Gifted Children and Their Supporters
VISION magazine is published twice a year, and is Australia’s only magazine written for families and educators of children with gifted and talented potential. In circulation since 1985, VISION magazine boasts strong editorial content, with articles that connect research and policy to families and educators in Australia and beyond. It includes insights into the lived experiences of children and families and provides research-based tools and strategies to support the various developmental and educational needs of children. Articles are written by educators, parents, specialists, and children. VAGTC welcomes contributions from the community.
VISION magazine is distributed to VAGTC members and associates including the state and federal departments of education, and educators across Australia and New Zealand.
Visit memberships to update your subscription to receive the two publications (as well as our biennially-published Resource Book) as well as other discounts and access to members-only online resources, or purchase a single issue through the VAGTC online shop.
The 2018, Vol 29 (No.1) issue is one we are infinitely proud of. On the back of our successful one-day conference on Models of Talent Development, we asked for contributions that focused on unpacking three models presented: Gagné’s DMGT2.0 and IMTD, Ziegler’s Actiotope Model, and Renzulli’s Schoolwide Enrichment Model. The articles in this issue not only review the models from the Conference, but also provides an insight into the philosophy, the theory and the practical approaches in each model. We are honored to publish ‘from the horse’s mouths’, and proud to have their work as contributions to VISION. Thank you to the following:
We thank all of our volunteer contributors for yet another excellent issue.
Student Showcase (work by Sam Bevacqua and a Yr2 student from St Bernadette’s, Ivanhoe)
Updates (Tournament of Minds, Rural Seminars and Yvonne Perret Scholarship, CEM Conference with Prof Françoys Gagné, VAGTC 2018 Conference)
Reflections (INSPiRE Program, 21st Century Learning )
Research (The Actiotope Model of Giftedness, Renzulli’s Talent Development)
Resources (Reflective Thinking, Book Reviews)
Calendar (Events, conferences, workshops)
The VAGTC is a not-for-profit volunteer-run organization, and as such, the Vision magazine acknowledges the contributions from like-minded associates – without whom Vision would be filled with pages of drawing blank.
Vision welcomes contributions on gifted education matters, including academic papers, reports on research, book reviews, perspectives from best-practices to reflections. Some issues produced by VAGTC for Vision are thematic in nature.
All written material should include a brief biographical note (approximately 30 words). Photographs and images should be original and copyrighted to the author, and of suitable quality for print reproduction (no smaller than 300dpi) and emailed in jpeg format.
Articles should be between 800 – 1,500 words and be original work. All material submitted will be evaluated by the editors and outside referees where appropriate. The editors reserve the right to edit accepted works in order to fit the publication formatting and language.
Deadlines for copy and images are as follows:
Issue 36.1: March 30
Issue 36.2: September 12
Email your entry to
Students are required to complete and attach a student work permission form.
Download a copy of the Student Work Permission Form Below